"Tower of Silence," which originated as a book series, is an adventurous thriller about a blind self-proclaimed psychic who pretends to be the Zoroastrian magician Shahrevar, selling talismans and conducting rituals for wealthy clients. One day, circumstances force him to... go to Baku, where he is set to meet his father who abandoned him in childhood, embark on a search for his missing sister, find himself at the center of political intrigues, and confront his true gift face to face. The strong connection of events in the genre of magical realism to real toponyms - the Maiden Tower, Gobustan National Park, the city of Shemakha, and the Nardaran Fortress - adds credibility and a unique color to the novel.
Author: Рагим Джафаров
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785002234639
Number of pages: 448
Size: 220х140х33 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 350 g
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