"Miracle as a Foreboding" is a collection of stories and essays by contemporary authors. Yevgeny Vodolazkin, Tatyana Tolstaya, Alexei Salnikov, Marina Stepnova, Alexander Tsypkin, Grigory Sluzhitel, Maya Kucherskaya, Pavel Basinsky, Alla Gorbunova, Denis Dragunsky, Elena Kolina, Shamil Idiatullin, Anna Matveeva,... Benjamin Smekhov, and Valery Popov write about miracles, both everyday and Christmas, simple and incredible, unimaginable, yet accomplished. The feeling of an upcoming holiday, warmth, coziness, and light — just like in childhood when we all believed in miracles.
Author: Павел Басинский, Евгений Водолазкин, Денис Драгунский, Шамиль Идиатуллин, Майя Кучерская
Printhouse: Redaktsiia Eleny Shubinoi
Series: Иллюстрированный бестселлер
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171701871
Number of pages: 336
Size: 241x167x27 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 836 g
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