The new book by Tatyana Ustinova and Pavel Astakhov from the authorial cycle "Judicial Cases" is an intriguing thriller where everyday stories intertwine with court cases."A miser pays twice." "Don't go into the water without knowing the ford"… These simple... truths are known to everyone, but how to refuse a benefit when it just floats into your hands? Lena's beloved sister, lured by a generous offer, finds herself in an African prison, and no one is there to help her. It will be up to the strict and incorruptible judge Elena Kuznetsova to also become her lawyer.'
Author: Павел Астахов, Татьяна Устинова
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Дела судебные. Романы Т. Устиновой и П. Астахова (обложка)
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042126185
Number of pages: 320
Size: 165x125x20 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 170 g
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