In the life of Larisa Belozerova, a black streak began: the television show she hosted was canceled due to low ratings, her husband fell in love with another woman, and all her savings went to buy out the rooms of...
her neighbors in their communal apartment. No job, no family, no money... Hoping to distract herself, Lara started renovations in her new apartment... and found a skeleton in the fireplace niche bricked up!
Lara decided to conduct a journalistic investigation and make it the theme of her new program. She managed to find out that the cause of that long-ago crime was a secret folder from the German intelligence archive. Soon after, the cameraman who worked with Lara was killed in the same unfortunate apartment... Someone wanted that folder so badly that they were ready to go to great lengths. But it fell into Lara's hands, and now it is up to her to decide: to destroy the document or make it public, to execute or to pardon...
Olga Volodarskaya's novels are sharply social detective stories, in which the author dissects all aspects of modern society, leaving nothing hidden and no truths untold. Her books are written so captivatingly that it is simply impossible to tear oneself away. The vivid, rich language and brilliant authorial style create an unforgettable atmosphere that completely immerses the reader.
Author: Ольга Володарская
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Никаких запретных тем! Остросюжетная проза О. Володарской. Новое оформление
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042124341
Number of pages: 384
Size: 165x125x24 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 200 g
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