This is the story of the fateful love of Heathcliff, the adopted son of the owner of the estate "Wuthering Heights," for the owner's daughter Catherine. The demonic passion of two strong personalities who refuse to yield to each other...
causes suffering and death not only to the main characters but also to the people around them.
"It is a very bad novel. It is a very good novel. It is ugly. It has beauty. It is a terrible, torturous, powerful, and passionate book," wrote Somerset Maugham about "Wuthering Heights."
Author: Эмили Джейн Бронте
Printhouse: Ripol-klassik
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785370054730
Number of pages: 318
Size: 217х153х11 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 434 g
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