A grand adventure of Erast Petrovich Fandorin, narrated by his steadfast assistant Masahiro Shibata, began on the first day of the twentieth century. Just recently they had to compete with the most famous detective in England and the most notorious...
criminal in France, and now a new battle of minds awaits them. A challenge has been thrown at the great detective, and Masa still does not know what emotional upheavals await both of them.
Many years later he recounts this story, full of secrets and heartaches: after all, books are written to unravel the unsolved and to stir old wounds - perhaps they will heal?
Author: Борис Акунин
frontend.product.brand: EBOOK
Series: Просто Маса. Детектив Бориса Акунина
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9783910741188
Number of pages: 252
Size: 215х135х21 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 480 g
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