"Virginity" is a poetic narrative, a memory detective story. Upon learning about the death of his first girlfriend, the narrator embarks on a meditative journey through his own past, trying to decipher who he was before he lost his innocence,... and what, in fact, virginity means for a man.At some point, the current events become illusory, and the events of twenty years ago gain clarity and come to the forefront. A life rich in sensual events and geography flashes before the eyes of a teenager and evokes only a bemused smile: this does not happen. There is only the suburb from which there is no escape.
Author: Евгений Алехин
Printhouse: Gorodets
Series: Во весь голос
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785907762664
Number of pages: 184
Size: 130x210x15 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 284 g
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