The action unfolds in a small town in the far north of Sweden. Five young girls meet in a reading club to discuss their favorite books. However, tension rises as all the girls are in love with one guy named...
Viking. After another conflict, one of them disappears without a trace. Forty years later, she is found dead, and the four women come together again.
"The Polar Circle" (2021) is the new novel by the famous Swedish writer Lisa Marklund, written in the genre of psychological detective.
Lisa Marklund (b. 1962) rose to fame with a series of detective novels about journalist Annika Bengtzon. They have been translated into thirty languages and sold millions of copies. In Russian, novels such as "The Last Will of Nobel," "A Place in the Sun," "Red She-Wolf," "Prime Time," and others have been published. In 2010, Lisa Marklund, together with American writer James Patterson, wrote the novel "Postcard Killers," which topped the "New York Times" bestseller list. In 2020, during the pandemic, Marklund began writing a trilogy, the first book of which — "The Polar Circle" — you are holding in your hands.
Published in Russian for the first time.
Author: Лиза Марклунд
Printhouse: Gorodets
Series: НордБук
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785907483873
Number of pages: 432
Size: 180х127х21 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 330 g
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