Playing theater is better in pairs or threes, and once you memorize the plot and characters, you can perform independently in front of an audience.
- Before the game, become familiar with the fairy tale to understand the plot.
- Prepare the...
theater: set up the stage, review the script content.
- Choose characters and design the stage.
- Assign roles: storyteller (reads or narrates the text), puppeteer (changes characters, voices roles), assistant (changes scenery according to the script). Roles can be combined.
- Arrange characters and scenery in a convenient order.
- Rehearse and invite an audience!
Note: the script is a brief summary of the fairy tale; while performing the play, feel free to add your text, more elaborate dialogues. And if you want to get creative, come up with a new ending to a well-known story or your own, new fairy tale, using characters and scenery from other tales.
Author: Ганс Христиан Андерсен
Printhouse: Открытая книга
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 4814204000133
Size: 382x245x4 mm
Weight: 292 g
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