By the mid-1920s, Felix the Cat had captured the attention of audiences around the world, with cartoons about him being watched in the USA, Europe, Asia, and South America. In 1924, in England, Felix soft toys outsold the most famous... toy of the time — Teddy Bear. The cartoons about the resourceful cat, who regularly found himself in absurd predicaments, could only be compared in popularity to the films of Charlie Chaplin. However, like Chaplin's films, Felix's silent adventures could not survive in the new era of sound cinema, and interest in the character gradually faded. The adventures of Felix, drawn by Otto Messmer, continued on the pages of comics. This anthology includes stories from two series of Pat Sullivan’s Felix the Cat published by Toby Press and Felix the Cat from Dell Publishing. Read it for the first time in Russian!
Printhouse: ALPAKA
Series: Древние комиксы
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785907637900
Number of pages: 28
Size: 245х163х5 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 60 g
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