The manual contains interesting and useful information about shrubs, their appearance, habitats, and beneficial properties.
The accessible narrative form, new poems and riddles by the author, Russian folk sayings, proverbs, and signs collected in the book will help awaken a child's...
interest in the surrounding world and foster a careful attitude towards nature.
The book promotes the development of speech and logical thinking, activates children's attention and memory.
The material in the manual is addressed to educators, governesses, and parents and can be used in both collective and individual forms of preschool education.
Author: Татьяна Шорыгина
Printhouse: GNOM
Series: Знакомство с окружающим миром и развитие речи
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785907765924
Number of pages: 64
Size: 198x138x4 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 66 g
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