Kiran, Baron Rotwell, is a rake and a bon vivant, the idol of the women of London’s demi-monde. However, behind his outward frivolity lies the wounded heart of a man who has suffered greatly and is profoundly disillusioned with life.... His passion is risky entertainment, and therefore he readily accepts an unusual wager in a high-stakes card game — an illegitimate beauty, the daughter of a ruined viscount, Camilla Marchand. Now the girl’s fate is in Kiran’s hands. However, the baron does not desire easy victories. He intends not just to conquer Camilla but to awaken in her a true woman — loving and devoted, capable of bringing him happiness…
Author: Лиз Карлайл
Printhouse: AST
Series: Очарование
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171357634
Number of pages: 384
Size: 165x112x23 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 175 g
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