Xenia Menshikova reveals ancestral secrets that have been hidden for centuries... She did this so that the living would remember who they are and never forget it, so that their children and subsequent generations would be happy. The author cries...
out to her readers: wake up, we are responsible not only for our own lives! There are no people without a past and without a lineage. Behind each of us stand hundreds of ancestors. Their actions have influenced our lives. We continue this chain and lay the fate of our descendants, be careful with it… After all, you want them to remember you with gratitude?
Women, you bear a special responsibility. You are creators and guardians, the well-being of the ancestry is in your hands! And the ancestry endows a person with health, endurance, and the strength to survive under any circumstances.
Read the book, apply the acquired knowledge - and then there will be no betrayal and divorces in family life, no abandoned children and the elderly thrown into poverty. There will be no doubts about your place in this world. There will be no futile attempts to connect with those with whom it is legally and destined to be contraindicated. There will be no disappointment with yourself and your life, no fear for your children and loved ones…
Author: Ксения Меньшикова
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Series: Супер-Разум
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785227108258
Number of pages: 192
Size: 200х125х9 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 119 g
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