This book is a reissue of a unique textbook on jiu-jitsu, published in Russia in 1909. In the early 20th century, after the Russo-Japanese War, Eastern martial arts began to gradually penetrate our country, stimulating the development of domestic martial...
arts (for example, based on judo and jiu-jitsu, sambo emerged in the 1930s).
In the book, you will find a detailed description of selected jiu-jitsu techniques, as well as some quite important information about human anatomy and psychology that will help you understand the essence of Eastern martial arts. By mastering the techniques described in this publication, you will become strong, agile, and self-confident.
For a wide range of readers interested in and practicing martial arts.
Author: Кара Ашикага
Printhouse: AMRITA
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785002281077
Number of pages: 160
Size: 200х125х9 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 132 g
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