The bright and original Ural tales of Pavel Bazhov. Their heroes are honest and brave people who find themselves in unusual fairy-tale circumstances. What they encounter on their journey! Sometimes Stepan meets the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, and she...
turns into a nimble lizard, sometimes boys Lanko and Leyko try to outsmart the Blue Snake, but evil intentions do not lead to good, and little orphan Daryonka with Kokovanya see a goat with a silver hoof that leaves behind precious chrysolites. The works contain a special atmosphere of the Ural lands, where the harsh reality of the lives of ordinary people is permeated with fairy-tale spirit and elusive beauty.
Colorful and detailed illustrations in a unique style were created by the famous artist Maxim Mitrofanov. In his creations, malachite-colored lizards seem alive, about to crawl away, and the precious stones appear to truly shine on the pages of the book.
Author: Павел Бажов
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Мастерская сказок
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042011986
Number of pages: 184
Size: 263x205x18 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 675 g
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