“Christmas Stories with an Unexpected Ending” is a unique collection of rare Christmas works by talented domestic writers.
In this book, Christmas stories by Russian writers are gathered, and many names will be a discovery for readers, as their publications remained...
only in pre-revolutionary magazines. But they sound very modern! The stories are vivid and cinematic, often featuring unpredictable plot twists and unexpected endings.
Readers can expect captivating reading with meanings; this is a book that is pleasant to give and joyful to receive as a gift for the New Year and Christmas.
Author: Михаил Авдеев, Николай Бажин, Петр Гнедич
Printhouse: Nikeia
Series: Рождественский подарок
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785907628533
Number of pages: 416
Size: 187x125x23 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 366 g
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