Forty years ago, the Soviet television series "TASS Is Authorized to Declare..." based on the novel of the same name by Julian Semenov had an astounding success. The captivating story of how Soviet counterintelligence managed to expose a CIA agent... in Moscow captured the country. In the book that the reader holds in their hands, there is an attempt to revive that long-standing plot by relocating it to modern realities. The action of this intricately twisted spy detective unfolds against the backdrop of tectonic shifts in the Middle East, specifically around events in Syria. While preserving the main plot of Semenov's story (the exposure of a CIA agent in Moscow), the plot of the novel "Jackals from Langley" goes far beyond this story, exploring many contemporary issues: political intrigue, international terrorism, the activities of the mafia, and the confrontation of world intelligence services.
Author: Федор Раззаков
Printhouse: rodina
Series: Тайный фронт
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785001808848
Number of pages: 480
Size: 205x135x25 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 510 g
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