In just the last decade, humanity has experienced a series of severe catastrophes, upheavals, and cataclysms that do not fit within the framework of even the most fantastic predictions. Graduate of Sorbonne and New York financial guru Nassim Taleb calls such... unpredictable events Black Swans. He is convinced that these events stimulate both history as a whole and the existence of each individual person. And to succeed, one must be prepared for them. Immediately after the release of "The Black Swan," the author brilliantly demonstrated his "non-theory" in practice: against the backdrop of the financial crisis, Taleb's company earned (not lost!) half a billion dollars for investors. But his work is not a textbook on economics. These are the reflections of an extraordinary person on life and on how to find one's place in it. In the later essay postscript "On the Secrets of Resilience," Taleb gives a witty rebuttal to those orthodox economists who have rejected the anti-teaching he created.
Author: Нассим Николас Талеб
Printhouse: KoLibri
Series: Талеб: коллекция Incerto
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785389259317
Number of pages: 560
Size: 240х175х37 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 1060 g
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