The fairy tale world of Oscar Wilde is populated by the most unusual heroes: a golden boy who fell from the sky, a selfish giant living in a beautiful garden, a statue of a prince towering over the city, and...
many other wondrous characters. The main value of the tales by the English writer lies in their sincerity, rich philosophical undertones, and the diversity of themes raised by the author. Through metaphors, he converses with the reader about compassion, love, and the importance of trials for inner development. This is a gift edition in magnificent printing quality. Hardcover with embossed elements and partial varnishing. Color endpapers. Thick tinted paper. Clear, large, easily readable font.
The honored artist Nika Goltz was firmly convinced that every child should have a paper book with color illustrations, and thus she approached the creation of illustrations with particular care. Her works inspire reflections on infinity, shrouded in a veil of mystery and enigma, yet at the same time her paintings break through with a bright ray of joy and hope. The impressions gained from Nika Goltz's illustrations will stay with you for a lifetime.
For her illustrations for the fairy tales of H.-C. Andersen, Nika Goltz was awarded the Diploma of H.-C. Andersen — the most prestigious award in the world in the field of children's literature and illustration.
Author: Оскар Уайльд
Printhouse: EKSMO
Series: Мастерская сказок
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042011740
Number of pages: 120
Size: 265x203x13 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 487 g
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