A big bright Wimmelbuch captivates with beautiful illustrations and is sure to engage toddlers aged 1, 2, 3 years. The educational story of the adventures of Snail Ellie begins on an apple tree, where the little one lives. But one...
day she goes down and finds herself in a world of various flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and berries. Ellie will show the little one which fruits are red and which are purple. The visual dictionary will provide the names of all products, even such exotic ones as pitaya, guava, rambutan, mangosteen…
"The Adventures of Snail Ellie in the World of Fruits and Vegetables" is a book perfect for exploration both at home and in kindergarten. It can also make a great gift!
The soft cover allows you to take the book with you on walks, on trips, it easily fits in a bag or a child's backpack, and won't get wrinkled. Don't forget to go through the maze at the end of the book so that the little one not only learns all the colors and names of various fruits and vegetables but also works on developing fine motor skills!
Author: Ольга Константиновская
Printhouse: Clever
Series: Первые книжки малыша
Age restrictions: 1+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785002119585
Number of pages: 24
Size: 270х220х2 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 113 g
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