"The Magic Ring of Brogar" is an epic saga of love, magic, betrayal, and loyalty, set in mystical Scotland. The life of young and successful Megan is turned upside down when she travels to the north of the country to... inherit her ancestral castle. There, she meets the family—a powerful clan of MacKenzie, finds loyal friends and fierce enemies, and falls in love with the charming Highlander Derek. However, the secret of her beloved becomes a heavy trial for Megan, plunging her into a world of fears, hopes, and illusions.
Author: Кейтлин Эмилия Новак
Printhouse: EKSMO
Series: Фэнтези. Дилогия
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785605248712
Number of pages: 512
Size: 220x149x28 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 653 g
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