Brenna Hassett challenges established views on the evolution of Homo Sapiens and offers her answers to some of the most intriguing questions of all time – how and why did humans appear on Earth two million years ago?
Why do humans...
need such an unjustifiably long period of maturation from a biological standpoint? How are fertility and fat related in nature? What mysteries of evolution can be uncovered by studying teeth? Why do humans talk so much and how did humanity manage to survive if pregnancy occurs only in thirty percent of cases?
By observing our primate relatives and studying tiny relics found by archaeologists, the author explores all aspects of human evolution – from feeding and the composition of maternal milk to our love for formal education – to understand how we evolved while in a beautiful "infinite" childhood and what adaptive mechanisms influence our behavior today.
This book is a true treasure trove of knowledge not only for educators and young parents but for the widest range of readers, as it reveals how we became who we are. A genuine intellectual pleasure, this book is part of the golden fund of science alongside the works of Yuval Noah Harari and Jared Diamond!
Author: Бренна Хассет
Printhouse: AST
Series: Хиты научпопа
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171629090
Number of pages: 448
Size: 218x145x28 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 616 g
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