The book for children "The Earthly Life of the Most Holy Theotokos" tells children about the earthly path of the Mother of Jesus Christ. Its main idea is based on the commandment of the Theotokos herself – to teach not... by words, but by deeds. The life story of the Virgin Mary is, in itself, the best sermon and example of a righteous life for a good Christian and a person living by conscience. This book will be a wonderful educational example for children. The most important and profound things, about love for God and people, are written simply, but remarkably penetratingly. The chapters about the childhood, youth, and motherhood of the Most Holy Theotokos, about Her humble and joyful following of God's Will will make the Virgin Mary closer and clearer to everyone, and through Her, the Son of Her, Jesus Christ, will enter the hearts of the little readers.Remarkably tender, warm, and bright illustrations by Diana Lapshina are permeated with love for the Most Holy Theotokos and will undoubtedly convey this love to everyone who opens the book. The "Orthodoxy for Children" series was created to tell children about the most profound, unknowable, and complex things in a clear, simple, and penetrating way, so as not to push the child away, not to scare, but on the contrary to reveal the beauty and miracle of faith, the teachings of Jesus Christ, the deeds of saints, the depth of parables, and the correct understanding of the sacraments and rituals of the Church. In each book, the child will find a heart-to-heart conversation, a trusting dialogue, kind guidance, and a magical bedtime story that is not just a fairy tale.
Printhouse: Knizhnyi dom Anastasii Orlovoi
Age restrictions: 3+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785604345566
Number of pages: 72
Size: 250х220х10 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 368 g
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