"The Mole and the New Year" complements the collection of winter books in the series "A Reader is Born". This is a small story about celebrating the New Year in verses. The young reader will visit the lonely Mole and,... together with the cheerful Worm, dance an unusual dance called "molevjak", eat a New Year's pie, and find out what the Worm gave to his neighbor.Thanks to the illustrations by Irina Gavrilova, the story of the Mole and the Worm becomes tangible. Opening the book is like opening a door to the mole's burrow, allowing the reader to not only see but also feel everything that happens there. The child will enjoy exploring the New Year's decorations in the mole's home, various small details: flags, garlands made of rowan branches, a colorful knitted rug, a gramophone, jars of jam, and of course, a dressed-up Christmas tree.
Author: Инна Гамазкова
Printhouse: Knizhnyi dom Anastasii Orlovoi
Series: Читатель родился!
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785604655627
Number of pages: ㄲ
Size: 160х158х5 mm
Cover type: cardboard
Weight: 100 g
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