Elmira Bataeva is a psychologist with multiple diplomas and extensive experience with thousands of happy clients, author of the books "Fall in Love with Yourself and Your Life Without Reserve!" and "Accept Yourself and Your Life Without Reserve!". The metaphorical... associative cards created by Elmira "Ticket to the Depth of the Soul" provide access to your hidden thoughts and desires and help reveal the answers that lie deep within your soul. In the box, you will find: - 30 question cards that will help you understand the key areas of life; - 30 state cards that will help identify the resources needed for achievements and shed light on the causes of tension and closeness; - 10 message cards that will give you a direction for achieving your goals and attaining wholeness and happiness; - a guide accompanying the deck.
Author: Эльмира Батаева
Printhouse: AST
Series: Метафорические ассоциативные карты: лучшее (Подарочная коробка с картами и книгой)
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171606350
Number of pages: 32
Size: 125x85x38 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 244 g
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