"Three from Prostokvashino" is the first part of the famous animated trilogy about the adventures of inseparable friends: Uncle Fyodor, the cat Matroskin, and the dog Sharik. Due to a misunderstanding with his parents, the "serious and independent" boy goes to... live in the village. Together with Matroskin and Sharik, they will have to acquire a household, meet a not-so-pleasant postman, and even find treasure! The animated films about the "Prostokvashino residents" have been delighting young (and not only!) viewers for half a century. Many phrases from them have become famous and, as they say, "have gone to the people." Thanks to the book series "Golden Collection", beloved characters will always be nearby
Author: Эдуард Успенский
Printhouse: AST
Series: Золотая коллекция СОЮЗМУЛЬТФИЛЬМА
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171679538
Number of pages: 48
Size: 266x203x9 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 344 g
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