This book is for parents and educators who care about the fate of their students. Its goal is to help develop the ability of children aged 4-12 to perform essential universal cognitive operations that help "get to the root," see...
and explain the essence of phenomena, problems, and situations, master the new, explore the past and future of the things around us, identify and set inventive tasks. And perhaps most importantly, to aid in the formation of the child's personality by equipping them with the cognitive tools to answer seemingly simple and seemingly complex questions - from "how a fan works" to "what is the meaning of life."
The undeniable strength of the book is its simple, non-scientific style of presenting quite complex material, allowing not only for understanding but also for mastering this material almost entirely - in the form of an unobtrusive, engaging, and sometimes even humorous dialogue with the child.
Author: Александр Кислов
Printhouse: KTK Galaktika
Series: Развитие мышления детей на основе ТРИЗ
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785950066290
Number of pages: 166
Size: 210x140x8 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 174 g
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