— You won't believe it, but it happened just as I am about to tell you, because I saw it with my own eyes! That ship sailed in the sea without sails and without a crew, and on its flag...
was a starfish.
— Well, that's just not right, actually it was like this…What happens when you combine a memory game with storytelling mechanics? You get “Fabula Rasa” — a simple and fun board game for those who love to create stories and discuss news at a party. In the “Sea Tales” set, you will tell stories, trying to outshine your opponents in eloquence and a brilliant memory of events, even the most incredible ones. Game duration: 15 to 30 minutes
Number of players: from 2 to 5
Printhouse: GaGa Games
frontend.product.brand: GAGA GAMES
Series: GG478
Age restrictions: 14+
ISBN: 4620102362668
Size: 180х130х40 mm
Weight: 230 g
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