The educational coloring book will help the child learn numbers up to 20, learn to read simple words, develop fine motor skills, logic, attention, memory, and creative abilities. The book includes 16 coloring tasks, a color insert with answer drawings,... an anti-stress coloring page for parents, and a certificate that the child receives for effort and curiosity. To allow the child to assess their achievements, each page invites them to draw a smiley face: completed the task or completed the task but made mistakes. It is intended for children aged 5-6 years and their parents.
Author: Алла Волох
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Раскраска-тренажер для дошколят
Age restrictions: 5+
Year of publication: 2018
ISBN: 9785040941971
Number of pages: ㄶ
Size: 270x210x26 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 75 g
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