Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins
Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins

Once Upon a Time There Were Clothespins

The colorful clothespins had a tough job. It's no joke — holding laundry tightly on a line during a snowstorm? And what will happen if a caterpillar tickles a clothespin at the most crucial moment? And what is it like...

Author: Марьям Аверина

Printhouse: NIGMA

Age restrictions: 6+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785433511514

Number of pages:

Size: 290x220x9 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 430 g

ID: 1685696
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