Ken Wilber is one of the most sought-after and translated American thinkers in various languages of the world. He offers a provocative yet balanced investigation into the origins of the unfolding cultural, social, and political situation in America related to...
the election of Donald Trump as the president of the country.
The USA is a country whose current processes, as well as domestic and foreign political activities, influence the entire modern world in one way or another. A number of universally ignored factors played a significant role in Trump's rise to the top of the political arena in the USA. What are these factors? They are the epidemic of extreme and even extremist forms of pluralism, multiculturalism, identity politics, and political correctness, afflicted by nihilism and narcissism. The society's allergic reaction to these manifestations also had an impact.
The book not only helps to understand the reasons for the rise to power of this "new" force - currently personified by Trump. It serves as an antidote to the extreme - and destructive - forms of postmodern culture. It helps to avoid the mistakes made in Western countries, where postmodernism took the position of the "evolutionary avant-garde" of intellectual and cultural values (failing to fulfill its task).
The vision proposed by Wilber clarifies the perception of the current world situation – both socio-cultural and intellectual – helping to arrive at balanced views and the integration of the most important truths of pluralism into a coherent worldview.
Who is this book for?
For everyone interested in the modern socio-political situation.
Ken Wilber is an American philosopher and writer, the author of the integral approach and more than 20 books translated into 25 languages, founder of the Integral Institute.
Author: Кен Уилбер
Printhouse: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2018
ISBN: 9785001173656
Number of pages: 224
Size: 215x151x24 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 430 g
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