This edition presents two books by Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, who dedicated many years to studying the views of the Kabbalistic sages about the holy language. The goal of the book is to allow the reader to glimpse into a wonderful... world, full of greatness and beauty, hidden in the letters and words of the holy language. The deep meaning of the Hebrew letters and words is widely discussed in Kabbalistic literature; this subject is inexhaustible, just like creation itself. Each letter points to a special path through which the Divine creative force reaches different Sefirot, through which the Creator, Blessed be He, creates His world.
Author: Рав Матитьягу Глазерсон
Printhouse: Knizhniki
Series: Каббала и еврейская традиция
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2018
ISBN: 9785932735039
Number of pages: 416
Size: 205х135х26 mm
Cover type: hard
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