Completion of an intriguing, honest, sometimes funny, and sometimes scary saga about a psychologist named Savior, his son, and his patients.How many problems there are in this life! Of course, one can lock themselves in their room like Jean-Jacques, think... about nothing, and play shooting games on the computer. One can, like Gabin, plug their ears with headphones and spend nights with "The Walking Dead." One can visit a fortune teller, like Frederica, or, like Jerome, run away leaving behind a wife and children. Or one can come for a consultation with Savior Saint-Yves, a clinical psychologist, and face life head-on. And happiness may already be nearby; you just need to take the right step.
Author: Мари-Од Мюрай
Printhouse: Samokat
Series: Самокат-сериал
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9785917598437
Number of pages: 320
Size: 140×27×197 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 385 g
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