Will we soon have a Babylonian fish — a device for automatic translation from foreign languages? Some will say that technology has already reached a sufficiently high level and will soon replace humans. Others will insist that computers will never... be able to translate literary works or provide simultaneous translation at conferences effectively. In this book, we will attempt not only to answer the question of the "Babylonian fish," but also discuss what language is and where it is "stored" in the brain, how learning foreign languages contributes to our healthy aging, and how the brain of a translator works. We will also give the floor to scientists who will explain how to learn languages most effectively; translators, who will share their views on the future of their profession; and developers of machine translation systems who will unveil their plans to conquer the translation world.
Author: Яна Хлюстова
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785001397212
Number of pages: 248
Size: 17x135x205 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 340 g
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