Listening to music is the most interesting thing in the world. You will be convinced of this while reading the book by music journalist and popular lecturer Lyala Kandaura.Instead of a boring and dry listing of facts, you have a... real subscription to a concert: the author tells the 600-year history of music in such a way that unfamiliar works become familiar, and familiar ones bring even more pleasure.This book is intended for readers who are interested in classical music and want to understand it better, but have never learned to play an instrument and have not read anything "specifically musicological." It does not require knowledge of terminology or extensive listening experience, but implies attention to the subject and a desire to perceive it – however, the same is required by the music itself.
Author: Ляля Кандаурова
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785961489392
Number of pages: 438
Size: 25x140x210 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 520 g
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