The series of books "Elena Ulyeva's School" represents a comprehensive program for the intellectual development of children from 3 to 6 years old and includes 4 manuals. By studying within the program of "Elena Ulyeva's School", the child will achieve... early comprehensive development of intellect and acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for successful learning at school. Together with cheerful little animals, the child will complete exciting playful tasks that will help develop attention, memory, and fine motor skills, as well as easily, accessibly, and interestingly teach him to read, write, draw, count, solve problems, and stick stickers. These skills will help him succeed in school, set new educational goals, and achieve them.
Author: Елена Ульева
Printhouse: Feniks-Prem'er
Series: Школа Елены Ульевой
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785222380734
Number of pages: ㄶ
Size: 2x193x255 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 59 g
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