Your child loves to watch cartoons and is fascinated by anime? Then this title diary will be their assistant in exploring the world of anime. Every self-respecting anime fan must watch the titles from our selection, as it includes a...
list of timeless classics and inspiring new releases.The captivating world of Japanese animation unfolds through unique anime titles. Each of them is a standalone work, uniting a common title, an exciting plot, unforgettable characters, intricately developed elements of the setting, and a team of talented creators who give the work its distinctive artistic style.
In the anime industry, each title usually has a special declaration from the production committee. This declaration outlines not only the number and duration of episodes but also clearly establishes the release schedule. It serves as a kind of guarantee for viewers that they will be able to enjoy each episode of their favorite anime title on time and without delays.
In the world of anime, the number and duration of episodes, as well as the release schedule, are clearly defined for each title. This ensures that viewers can enjoy each episode of their favorite anime title on time and without delays.
Author: Олеся Пьянкова
Printhouse: Bukva-lend
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785001927082
Number of pages: 24
Size: 210х150х3 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 50 g
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