"Toma and Homa" is a series of cheerful tales about the restless girl Toma and her beloved pet hamster Homa. Together, they constantly find themselves in various stories. Sometimes the cat Fyodor joins them, who, as the only adult in...
the company, gives Toma and the little readers good advice.
This series is about a carefree and joyful childhood, where an ordinary day turns into a real adventure! The book is interesting not only for children but also for their parents, making it fun to read as a family. Children are captivated by colorful and lively illustrations, and even adults laugh at the jokes.
"Toma and Homa" is a great addition to the home library that you will open again and again!
This book describes how Toma prepared for International Women's Day while her dad watched international men's football. What is easier to remember: a complicated poem or dad's statements? Toma faces a challenging task! So start reading quickly and find out how our heroes spent this day.
Author: Алена Лядова
Printhouse: Bukva-lend
Series: Моя первая библиотека
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785001920342
Number of pages: ㌲
Size: 225х170х8 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 170 g
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