With the riddle book, a child can test their attentiveness and logical thinking.Features of the book
All tasks are designed with a twist: one must think carefully about the correct answer.
On the last page, there are the correct answers. But don't...
rush to peek there, or it won't be as interesting.
How solving riddles is beneficial for children
Such activities awaken curiosity, teach children to reason, train the ability to generalize and analyze, and develop imagination and logical thinking.
Author: Татьяна Бочкарева
Printhouse: SIMA-LAND
Series: Книги-игры Буква-Ленд
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785001924258
Number of pages: ㄶ
Size: 240х170х3 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 30 g
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