When Aaron Shapiro was pulling the fallen horse along with the water tank from the bottom of the river, he had no idea that he was being watched, and not by just anyone, but by Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov, who happened... to be passing by. The Grand Duke was struck by the extraordinary strength and endurance of the young man, and Aaron's fate was decided that very day — he was enrolled as a cadet at the School of Divers, and soon he became one of the best divers of His Majesty, participating in the search for the sunken "Black Prince" in Balaklava Bay, witnessing the birth of the Russian Air Force, forced to flee his hometown and build a new home at the other end of the earth. Adventures and trials awaited him, and he faced difficult choices more than once. But Aaron endured everything that came his way, primarily because of his love for Varенька, beautiful, gentle, and ethereal. And also thanks to true male friendship, which occurs only among people bound by life-threatening work. This is a vast magical world of true literature. - Dina Rubina
Author: Яков Шехтер
Printhouse: Azbuka
Series: Имена. Российская проза
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785389257238
Number of pages: 544
Size: 205x135x26 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 513 g
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