The Golden Collection of Aphorisms
The Golden Collection of Aphorisms
The Golden Collection of Aphorisms
The Golden Collection of Aphorisms
The Golden Collection of Aphorisms
The Golden Collection of Aphorisms

The Golden Collection of Aphorisms


Thus spoke Zarathustra… And so did Buddha, Tolstoy, Molière, Plato… And more than 400 of the greatest minds, creators of culture of all humanity. Our anthology is the quintessence of wisdom from numerous books, sayings of famous wits, sages, and...

Printhouse: Olma-press

Series: Мудрость тысячелетий

Age restrictions: 12+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785001854807

Number of pages: 208

Size: 262х200х15 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 732 g

ID: 1681024
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