Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities
Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities

Marketing: Models, Technologies, Tools. A Textbook for Universities


This publication implements an approach: from marketing competencies to business processes, and from them to the tasks that a student studying marketing within the fields of study "Management" and "Economics" must be able to carry out. To consolidate the acquired...

Printhouse: piter

Series: Учебник для вузов

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446121274

Number of pages: 544

Size: 245х173х28 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 820 g

ID: 1680780
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