Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers
Linux for Network Engineers

Linux for Network Engineers


The Linux operating system continues to gain popularity, and more and more network services are being deployed based on it for reasons of cost and flexibility. The book will provide a comprehensive understanding of how networking works in Linux. It...

Author: Роб Ванденбринк

Printhouse: piter

Series: Библиотека программиста

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446122752

Number of pages: 496

Size: 235х163х24 mm

Cover type: soft

Weight: 760 g

ID: 1680763
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