The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female
The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female

The Secret Life of an Entrepreneur. Male & Female


It is said that there is no gender in business. It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman; you need to make rational decisions, follow etiquette, and adhere to business rules. But what if you imagine your...

Author: Алексей Гурьев, Евгения Трибунская

Printhouse: piter

Series: Бизнес-психология

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785446141777

Number of pages: 240

Size: 240х170х16 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 510 g

ID: 1680744
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