Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital
Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital

Skills of the Future. Emotional Intelligence. How to Build a Personal Brand and Grow Social Capital


The most useful skill is the ability to communicate. “Once I become a programmer, I’ll just code. Communication is not necessary,” many think. But that’s not true at all! No matter where you work, you will always have to talk...

Author: Нина Зверева

Printhouse: Clever

Series: Навыки будущего

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785002117772

Number of pages: 174

Size: 220х170х20 mm

Cover type: hard

Weight: 422 g

ID: 1680343
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