The sixth edition of the classic marketing book — revised and updated. The focus of the new edition is on new marketing technologies, analytics, and metrics. . .The book bridges the gap between theory and practice. A powerful theoretical foundation... is supplemented with case studies from real companies, making the material understandable and easy to absorb. . .The work of Roger Best, a professor of business and a consultant in marketing and management, is an excellent alternative to dry scientific publications and uninspiring textbooks. Fundamental concepts and phenomena of marketing are illustrated with stories from both small and the largest companies in the world. "Marketing from the Consumer" is a reference book for both novice marketers and experienced marketers. . .Charts, tables, and diagrams, practical tools, examples of marketing plans, and even self-assessment questions — the presentation of material is so varied that it helps to stay focused even when studying the most complex parts. You will learn to analyze the market and identify its main patterns, manage loyalty and build relationships with consumers, get acquainted with key indicators and analytics. You will learn everything (and even a little more) about management in market conditions and financial performance. . .How to conduct competitive analysis, what product advantages exist, how to position yourself in the market, and develop your own effective marketing strategy — all of this will be covered by Roger Best in the book "Marketing from the Consumer."
Author: Роджер Бест
Printhouse: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2018
ISBN: 9785001460619
Number of pages: 696
Size: 242х170х37 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 1110 g
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