The witch pressed her cheek against the white birch trunk and listened. Nearby, the whinny of a weary mare and loud male laughter could be heard. More wizards! It's not enough for them to have their cities with dead walls,... it's not enough for them to have roads where the earth suffers under stone. Now they are very close, it’s a pity that she cannot protect her tribe. But she will do everything to make the outsiders leave. Even this one, with clear blue eyes like the frosty sky...
Author: Анастасия Гудкова
Series: Магия Вольноземья
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785517118868
Number of pages: 202
Size: 216х152х16 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 358 g
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