Enneagram. Type 9. Peacemaker
Enneagram. Type 9. Peacemaker
Enneagram. Type 9. Peacemaker
Enneagram. Type 9. Peacemaker

Enneagram. Type 9. Peacemaker


The Enneagram is a technology that allows one to find a way out of ineffective models of thinking, feeling, and behavior. It reveals a transformative path to realizing vast gifts and the highest potential.Each book in the series "Awaken Your...

Author: Сергей Неаполитанский

Printhouse: Amrita

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785002282302

Number of pages: 172

Size: 200х130х10 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 175 g

ID: 1679805
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