The handbook briefly and accessibly presents the main theoretical information on social studies for grades 6-9. The information is systematized and focused on the most important topics of the course, the knowledge of which is tested in the exam.
In the...
book you will find:
• definitions of sociological concepts;
• information on all thematic blocks of the course;
• visual schemes and tables.
Do not waste time studying long, cumbersome texts when there are just a few hours left before the lesson or exam! A visual and structured presentation of the material is what is needed for successful preparation for classes and the OGE even in the most compressed time frames. Use this compact yet content-rich handbook if you want to quickly acquire knowledge, summarize what you have learned in school, master or recall the necessary topic. 2nd edition, revised and supplemented.
Author: Ирина Крутова, Роман Пазин
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Наглядно и доступно. Средняя школа (обложка)
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042042393
Number of pages: 192
Size: 177x125x9 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 152 g
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