The set includes the comics "What Nonsense?!", "Morning Cup of Comics" and "Home Monsters". "What Nonsense?!" Before you is the debut collection of the best strips by young comedian and web comic artist from Novosibirsk, Dmitry Pyankov. Inside you will find...
a vast multitude of jokes for every taste — sometimes harsh and cynical, at times — cute and kind. Although no, mostly they are indeed harsh and cynical, but brilliantly exposing the vices of society and the absurdity of modernity in which we all live. An ideal acquisition — the book will look fantastic under the New Year tree, on the bookshelf of an intellectual person neatly nestled between underground comics and the gold collection of Soviet anecdotes, on the coffee table in a dental office, trendy café, or a 24-hour shawarma spot. "Morning Cup of Comics" is small portions of kindness and cuteness in the format of strips!
Characters in mini-comics joke about creativity, coffee, relationships, and travels in fantasy worlds, and also discuss "Star Wars", horror films, and French cinema.
One page - one comic, easy and mood-lifting like a cup of coffee in the morning! "Home Monsters" Are you afraid of the dark?
Does the unknown frighten you?
Is the nervously ticking hand creeping closer to the horrifying midnight scary?
For on the pages of "Home Monsters", you never know when you will encounter a creature. An innocent story about a boy who sees monsters under his bed can turn into dreadful revelations! It all depends on you: will you choose a favorable outcome by flipping to the right page, or will you make a mistake, leading the hero to a fatal end? The decision is yours, and hurry, for the home monsters are already starving for human flesh!
Pavel Pako, a renowned author of hilarious and witty web strips, shares his new work with you in the best traditions of R.L. Stine's "Goosebumps"! We recommend starting to read only after wrapping yourself deeper in a blanket and moving as far away from the edge of the bed as possible!
Author: Дмитрий Пьянков, Анастасия Гарбуз, Павел Пако
Printhouse: Komil'fo
Series: Комплект. Комильфо
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785041953232
Weight: 476 g
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